There is only 12% of woodland coverage in the UK compared with 44% overall in Europe. Woodland cover has increased in the last 100 years but much of this consists of non-native species and this is giving rise to a decline in wildlife. The Woodland Trust says "Woods and trees are vital for a healthy, happy society. They lock up carbon to fight climate change, improve our health, well being and education, reduce pollution and flooding and support people, wildlife and livestock."
While not many have space to create a wood but can make use of space in our own gardens. We list a wide range of trees from native species to highly ornamental non-natives, those which stay relatively small to ones which get enormous. If you do not have a lot of space planting in a hedge or against a wall or fence may be an option. We do have container grown trees available all year but planting bare root is far more economical and often you will end up with a better tree.
SKU | Product name | Price | |||||||
ALDC3 | Alder, Common |
ALDG2 | Alder, Grey |
ALDI2 | Alder, Italian |
AMEL2 | Amelanchier Lamarckii Available for backorder |
AMEL1 | Amelanchier Lamarckii Only 3 left in stock. Available for backorder |
ASP | Aspen |
BEEG3 | Beech, Green |
BEEP1 | Beech, Purple |
BIRH | Birch, Himalayan |
BIRP2 | Birch, Paper |
BIRS4 | Birch, Silver |
BIRY | Birch, Young's Weeping Silver Birch |
BLA1 | Blackthorn |
BOXC3 | Box, Common |
CHEAU1 | Cherry, Autumn Flowering Available for backorder |
CHEBI4 | Cherry, Bird |
CHECH1 | Cherry, Cheal's Weeping Only 8 left in stock. Available for backorder |
CHEDO1 | Cherry, Double White Only 2 left in stock. Available for backorder |
CHEFL1 | Cherry, Flag Pole Only 8 left in stock. Available for backorder |
CHEFR1 | Cherry, Fragrant Cloud |
CHEGR1 | Cherry, Great White Available for backorder |
CHEKA1 | Cherry, Kanzan Available for backorder |
CHEMO8 | Cherry, Mount Fuji Only 4 left in stock. Available for backorder |
CHEPA1 | Cherry, Pandora |
CHERO1 | Cherry, Royal Burgundy |
CHESA1 | Cherry, Sargent's Only 3 left in stock. Available for backorder |
CHESH1 | Cherry, Shirofugen Only 9 left in stock. Available for backorder |
CHESP1 | Cherry, Spire Only 1 left in stock. Available for backorder |
CHETI1 | Cherry, Tibetan Available for backorder |
CHEWE1 | Cherry, Weeping Yoshino |
CHEWI3 | Cherry, Wild Only 3 left in stock. Available for backorder |
COTC6 | Cotoneaster Cornubia |
CRAA1 | Crab Apple |
CRAA13 | Crab Apple, Admiration Available for backorder |
L171097 | Crab Apple, Aros Only 3 left in stock. Available for backorder |
CRAA2 | Crab Apple, Golden Hornet Available for backorder |