Pear Trees

Pear Trees

If you have space in your garden to plant some fruit trees you will be rewarded with delicious fruit for years to come. Concorde, Conference and Invincible are partially self-fertile but even these are better cross pollinated so, if possible, plant two trees, or persuade your neighbour to pant one as well making sure you plant compatible varieties. Pears tend to have an upright habit so they do not take up as much room as some other trees.

Like most fruit trees they are very attractive when in flower and some bear colourful fruits as well, and if you have surplus fruit allowing it to fall to the ground, birds and small mammals will appreciate your generosity.

Products: 18 of 8
Show: 36
SKU Product name   Price    
PeaB1 Pear, Beth
  • Buy 3 save £4.50
  • £24.95
PeaC2 Pear, Concorde
  • Buy 3 save £4.50
  • £24.95
PeaC5 Pear, Conference
  • Buy 3 save £4.50
  • £24.95
PeaD Pear, Doyenne Du Comice
  • Buy 3 save £4.50
  • £24.95
PEAI1 Pear, Invincible (Fertilia, Fertilia Delbard Delwilmor)
  • Buy 3 save £4.50
  • £24.95
PEAS1 Pear, Sensation
  • Buy 3 save £4.50
  • £24.95
PeaW1 Pear, Williams' Bon Chretien
  • Buy 3 save £4.50
  • £24.95
RSTK5 Rootstocks For Pears/quinces
  • £3.29