01280 822133
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  • £12.95
Size / Type Price per item for
Price per item for 1+
1Kg + 360g Bundle (1.36Kg)
2.5L (2Kg)
5L (4Kg)
5L + 2L Bundle (6Kg)
10L (2 x 5L) (8Kg)

Key Benefits of Planting with RootGrow

RootGrow enhances a plant's root system so a newly planted plant:
  • Finds more food, finds more water.
  • Needs less fertilizers.
  • Establishes quicker and reduces failure rates.
  • Has increased tolerance to drought and adverse soil conditions.
These "friendly" mycorrhizal fungi are completely natural and organic and native to UK soils.How to use RootGrowThe mycorrhizal fungi granules need to come into direct contact with the plant's roots.There are two methods of application, as a dry granule for container grown plants and as a root dip for bare root plants.Pot/Container Grown PlantsA good rule of thumb is to look at the bottom of the pot to be treated as you will need enough rootgrow granules to lightly cover this area. To do this, dig a hole to the correct depth then lightly sprinkle the bottom of the planting hole with rootgrow and plant the plant directly onto the granules.For very small plants from the cell grown range (marked Cg) again the principle of getting the granules into contact with the roots is important. Water the plants and then roll the root plug onto a saucer of granules and whatever sticks should be enough.For seed trays mix rootgrow 1:19 with the compost. As a guide this table shows how many plants the different packs of RootGrow will treat.
Plant Pot Size Approx. number of plants treated per pack
60g 150g 360g 1Kg 5L
Cell Grown Plants (Cg in catalogue) 20-24 50-60 120-145 330-400 1330-1600
9cm - Pot Grown Plants from our mail order range (Pg in catalogue) 16 40 96 265 1060
2 Litre Pot size

(e.g. 17cm diameter at top,13cm tall)

3 8 19 50 210
5 Litre Pot size

(e.g. 22.5cm diameter at top,18cm tall)

1 4 9 26 106
10-15 Litre Pot size - 1 2 6 26
Bare-Rooted PlantsTo treat bare root plants (Shown as Br, Tr or Sd in the catalogue) the most economical and effective way is to make up RootGrow as a dipping gel. You can use the non-gel mix on bare-rooted plants by sprinkling it on the roots.For plants with very large roots it may only be necessary to dip the lower half of the roots. For plants with very small roots it is advisable to dip the whole root.The amount of RootGrow you need depends on the root size. As a guide this table shows how many plants the different packs of RootGrow will treat.
Bare Root Plant Size Approx. number of plants treated per pack
60g 150g 360g 1Kg 5L
30cm (1 ft) 21-25 52-63 126-151 350-420 1400-1680
30 - 60cm (1-2ft) 16-20 40-51 97-122 270-340 1080-1360
60 - 90cm (2-3ft) 12-16 31-42 75-100 210-280 840-1120
90 - 120cm (3-4ft) 9-12 22-30 54-72 150-200 600-800
120 - 150cm (4-5ft) 7-10 17-25 41-61 115-170 460-680
150 - 180cm (5-6ft) 6-9 15-22 36-54 100-150 400-600

    • SKU
  • Product sizes
    • Size
      10L (2x 5L) (8Kg)
      2.5L (2Kg)
      5L (4kg)
      1Kg + 360g Bundle (1.36Kg)
      5L + 2L Bundle (6Kg)